What makes us an Eco resort?
We have taken steps to reduce our carbon footprint while giving back to our local community on Awera Island
Our design is inspired by the use of traditional building methods applied by skilled local craftsmen in the Mentawais islands
Our main source of power is renewable energy using solar
We recycle our garbage
We use as much local grown produce that we can
We use natural cooling as opposed to air conditioning - Houses are designed for inside outside living with huge windows, doors opening out everywhere and shaded wrap around decks so no direct sunlight enters the house. The houses have the traditional high pitched reed roofs which keep the houses cool. Each bed has a fan inside the mosquito nets
We catch our own rain water and filter water for drinking using the SAWYER world-class filtration system (no plastic drinking bottles)
The no 1 contributing factor to contaminating Awera Island's well water and mangrove, is soapy water and towels. Towels take up loads of water, soap and power. We supply sarongs on your bath rails and keep towels to an absolute minimum